
    In table tennis, a "let" is a situation where a point is not counted and the play is replayed. Here are the common scenarios in which a let occurs:

    • Service Let: This is the most common type of let. It happens when the ball hits the net during service but still lands on the receiver's side of the table. As long as the service otherwise complies with the rules (such as the ball being tossed correctly and landing on the proper side of the table), it is considered a let and the server gets to serve again.
    • Interference Let: If an external factor interferes with the play, such as a ball from another table rolling onto the playing area or an object falling onto the table during a rally, the referee may call a let. This ensures that the players are not disadvantaged by circumstances outside of their control.
    • Receiver Not Ready Let: If the receiver is not ready when the server serves the ball, and the receiver does not make an attempt to return the ball, a let may be called. However, the receiver must show that they were not ready by some obvious sign or action; otherwise, if they simply fail to return the ball and claim they were not ready, it may not be considered a let.
    • Double Hit Let: If a player hits the ball twice in succession or if the ball hits the racket and then another part of the player's body or equipment before being returned over the net, it is a let if it was unintentional. If it was intentional, it would be a foul and the opponent would score a point.

    The purpose of the let rule is to ensure fairness and to handle situations where the normal flow of the game is disrupted in a way that is not the fault of either player. It allows the game to continue without awarding an unfair advantage or disadvantage due to circumstances that are beyond the players' control or due to minor technical issues that do not significantly affect the outcome of the point.

    https://tabletennisgame.org This is a 3d table tennis game to play online for free, the game contains a variety of batting styles and techniques, such as fast batting, spinning ball, etc.