
    How to count the score in table tennis

    The scoring rules of table tennis include the following:

    Scoring Mechanism: Table tennis matches are played on an 11-point scale, i.e. the player who reaches 11 points first and is at least 2 points ahead of his/her opponent wins the match. If the score reaches a 10-all tie, the game continues until one side is ahead by 2 points to determine the winner.

    Serving Rules: When serving, the ball shall be placed in the palm of the hand other than the hand holding the racket, thrown almost vertically upwards without spin, and the ball shall rise not less than 16 centimeters after it leaves the palm of the hand. The server, standing on the right side of the table, throws the ball vertically and strikes it, with the ball bouncing once on the server's side of the table, then over or around the net and touching the opponent's side of the table.

    Rules for exchange of serves: In singles matches, the serve is exchanged every two points; when the score reaches 10 level, the rotation of serves will be implemented, i.e., each player serves one ball at a time until one side is ahead by two points to win the match. In doubles matches, the order of serving and receiving is relatively complicated, and the two players need to serve and receive alternately.

    LEGAL RETURN: A legal return means that after the opponent serves or returns the ball, the player must hit the ball so that it goes directly over or around the net device and touches the opponent's table area. If the opponent fails to return the ball legally, such as by returning the ball out of bounds, over the net, or by hitting the ball foul, the player who returns the ball legally scores a point.

    SPECIAL SITUATIONS: Rubbing the ball over the edge and rubbing the ball over the net are special situations. A scrimmage is a point scored when the ball touches the edge of the playing surface and does not go out of bounds, and the opponent fails to legally return the ball. A scrimmage ball is scored when the ball touches the net during a serve or stroke and lands in the opponent's area of validity, and the opponent fails to legally return the ball.

    The scoring rules of table tennis not only determine the winners and losers of the game, but also directly affect the players' game strategies and tactical choices. An accurate understanding of these rules is essential for players, coaches, referees, and table tennis enthusiasts. With the continuous development of table tennis, the scoring rules are also evolving and improving to meet the needs of modern competitive sports.

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